Monday, April 2, 2012

The end of a chapter, and... new beginnings

As I settle back into my old apartment, old job and old life after a year abroad, I find myself seeking stability and routine. When there is too much change, too suddenly, it is emotionally and physically tiring. Yet as I scramble to get things in order, something feels different than before. I guess I'm a little different. And I want things to be different... very different.

Unfortunately, this blog has been caught in the cross-fire of the chaos, and its outcome does not look so good. After 3 1/2 years of blogging about DIY food, this will be my final posting on Pots and Jars. It's kind of a sad moment for me. I have truly appreciated you, reader, taking the time to share your opinions, give your feedback, and just being a part of this important slice of my life. Every time one of you posted a comment, it made me feel pretty darn special, and gave me the push I needed to keep on writing. I hope you found it informative, interesting, or heck, even inspiring.

I really hate saying goodbyes. So much that I'll sneak-out of a party, just to avoid the awkward goodbye part. Thankfully, this time I won't have to, because I'm launching a new blog, The Craft Bandit, within the next day or two. This site will be focused on DIY everything, including food and gardening. So it'll have some of the same content of P&J, but expanded to include non-edible artsy stuff too.

Change can be a good thing. Hope to see you there.


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