Sunday, May 2, 2010

Indoor Gardening Experiment

Since my apartment doesn't get much sunlight (due to a west-facing, partly blocked view), indoor gardening hasn't been much of an option. Most edibles require a fair amount of sunlight.

But my living space is seriously lacking greenery. So I picked up a small rectangular planter at a garage sale, and visited a local corner store to see if I could find any seedlings that can tolerate shade.

I ended up with chicory and sweet woodruff. Chicory can be eaten like a lettuce, and sweet woodruff is an herb that can be used medicinally. Their tags said that chicory enjoys partial sun (4-6 hours), and sweet woodruff prefers shade. I planted them together in the pot, and it looks great sitting on my kitchen table. In a few weeks we'll be able to tell how the plants feels about its new environment.

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