Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Canning Party Potato Salad

Yessiree, nothing says summer like potato salad. Aside from potatoes, you can really put anything you want in it, depending on how you feel and what you have.

This is the recipe for the potato salad I made during the canning party, using almost all things bought fresh at the market that morning; the potatoes were dug up a few hours earlier. Measurements are approximate; I like to taste as I go.

Simple Potato Salad
Season: Mid summer


2 lbs new potatoes --- a mix of red and white, even a yam if you're feeling it
4 onion top sprigs --- the green part, sliced thinly
A few fronds of dill --- chopped
4 tbsp vegan / regular mayonnaise
1 tbsp mustard
1 generous pinch of cayenne
Salt and pepper to taste

Optional add-ins:
1/2 diced sweet pepper (e.g. green, or red/orange for colour)
Handful of sprouts (e.g. daikon)
Corn kernels


Bring a large pot of water to boil. Add the whole potatoes, and boil until tender but not too soft. Drain water and cool potatoes in a cold water bath. Chop into chunks; I like skin-on. Set aside to cool. In a separate bowl, mix together the mayonnaise, mustard and cayenne. Add in with the potatoes, and toss in the onions and dill, and any other add-ins. Scoop out a portion into a bowl, pour a glass of wine, sit outside, and enjoy the summer.


Sheldon said...

I seriously heart potato salad...perhaps I need to try this recipe!

Minda said...

Don´t get too excited though... it´s a pretty basic potato salad, but still lovable especially if you use fresh ingredients.