Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Tomato Love

My first tomato ripened last week. One yellow cherry tomato, to be exact. Though it's encouraging to see some edibles flourishing in the garden, I feel like a cheated a little... this tomato was on the plant when I bought it. In my own defense, it was small and green at the time. So I did bring it to maturity, I guess. I took about a zillion photos of the lil' guy... my own collection of tomato porn.

In case you're wondering, the tomato plants I grew from seed are a pretty pathetic lot. Most of them died some way or another, and of the 2 that I transplanted, they haven't grown at all in a month. To give you some persective, they are only about 1 or 2 inches tall as it is.


Rika said...

Such a cute tomato! Was it yummy??

troy said...

haha! awesome photos

Minda said...

Thanks! Actually, after all that fawning and fuss, it didn't taste that great. Just okay.

Sheldon said...

LOL! Tomato porn! I LOVE IT! And I agree, great photos!