I'm a lazy blogger. I try to put up a few posts a month, but knowing that it's mostly a couple of friends who read somewhat regularly (.... thanks, you guys!!), sometimes a-few-posts-a-month turns into one-post-a-month, if that.
Recipe posts are, by far, the ones I procrastinate writing the most. Why would anyone follow my recipe, when there are a million of the same recipe already on the interwebs? Plus my recipe is probably a rip from another website already. A website that is more popular and includes awesome artsy photos and user-uploaded feedback.
That being said, I've decided that when I do take the time to write-up a recipe, it will be a more "unusual" recipe. But still keeping it simple and with the local food theme, of course (i.e. all main ingredients can be grown in/around Toronto). Here is the first.
Fried radish (turnip) cake used to be one of my all-time

favourite things to order at the
congee house. Or insert "congee house" for "chinese restaurant" for those who don't know what congee is (God help your soul), though the dish may actually be from Singapore or Malaysia. Since abstaining from meat and seafood a few years ago, I haven't had the pleasure of enjoying FRC, as it contains dried seafood.
So when I found a small bunch of white radishes laying at the bottom of my CSA box, I knew exactly what I needed to do. Extra credit for having balcony-ready chinese broccoli (gai lan) on hand.
Fried Radish Cake (yes, vegetarian! Adapted from
this recipe. Makes 2 meal-sized servings.
Season: Late Summer, AutumnIngredients:
2-3 small-medium white radishes --- grated, approx. 400g1 cup rice flour2/3 cup water1/4 tsp saltVegetable oil for stir frying1 clove garlic --- minced2 green onions --- chopped (chives also works in a pinch)
4 shiitake mushrooms: fresh, or dried and reconstituted --- sliced
1 tbsp soy sauce 1 tbsp chili black bean sauce 1 tbsp oyster sauce 1 egg --- beaten
Dash of white pepper
Drizzle of toasted sesame oil
Sesame seeds (optional)Cook's notes: Flavour (e.g. soy sauce, etc) measurements are to be used as a guidance. Adjust to your personal preference. Most of these ingredients are common in a Chinese household, but quite uncommon elsewhere. Don't go out and buy all of the ingredients if you don't have them. However, my opinion: soy sauce and chili black bean are mandatory.Directions:
Steam the grated radish for about 30 mins, or until radish is translucent. Cool.
Mix rice flour, wate

r and salt until smooth. Add steamed radish. Pour into a medium (5.5" diameter) ramekin, and steam for 40 mins. It will resemble a semi-solid, lumpy cake (see photo). Cool, and refrigerate overnight so the cake firms up. Cut into 1" chunks.
Heat some oil on medium-high heat on a skillet or wok. Add garlic and green onions, and stir for 10 seconds. Add mushrooms, and stir fry until lightly browned, about 3 mins. Add radish cake chunks and sauces, and stir fry until lightly browned, about 10 mins. Drizzle more oil if it looks dry. Move everything to the sides of the pan so there is a hole in the middle of your pan. Drizzle some oil into the hole, and add beaten egg. Scramble inside the hole, until it's almost done, then mix everything together. Stir fry for another 3-5 mins, to get it all a little more brown and crispy. Mix in white pepper, sesame oil, cilantro and sesame seeds (if using). Serve hot, with a side of steamed chinese broccoli with veggie oyster sauce.